How To Get Your Man To Dress Better? 8 Tips To Get You Started

Plan A ‘Date’ For Shopping

How To Get Your Man To Dress Better? 8 Tips To Get You Started

Perhaps you have been following this site for a while. You have done the style course, read lots of articles on how to dress after 40 and have updated your wardrobe with a few current items. You are looking absolutely fabulous!

But then you go out in your fabulous clothes with either your husband or boy friend and let’s just say that his attire does not quite live up to your expectations. He has not discovered the male equivalent of Shirtshoping Style just yet or even worse he would never read it if he did. In fact he does not particularly care about his appearance or the way he looks.

If that describes the man in your life, then here are some tips on how to get your man to dress better.

Plan A ‘Date’ For Shopping

1. Plan A ‘Date’ For Shopping

Rather than going to a movie, go shopping for a few hours. Tell him how happy that would make you. This tactic may work even better if you have done some pre-shopping and know exactly where the good stuff is. You may only have 1-3 hours, so it’s best to use that time very efficiently.

2. Buy Clothes For Him, Either As Presents Or Just Because ‘You Were In The City Anyway’

If he does not want to go shopping, there is no reason you should not. Get a tape measure out and get his measurements and sizes and go shopping at those shops that allow returns. Find a moment when he is most relaxed to get him to (at least) try the clothes.

When shopping for your husband, keep the following things in mind:

Buy things that match his style and personality. Even though it may be a lot less hip than you would desire, there is no point buying things that he does not feel comfortable with.
Check with him what his favorite clothes are and if those are getting old, find some good replacements.
Concentrate on quality rather than quantity. Men look much better in high quality clothes and you don’t want to make too many shopping trips for him.
Make sure to buy items in color. Men need more color in their wardrobe too!

3. Give Lots Of Compliments When He Wears Something Nice And Encourage Him To Buy More Of The Same

You never know, the penny may suddenly drop…

4. Alert Him To Clothes That Do Not Fit, And (Gently) Suggest That They Need To Be Brought To A Tailor.

When clothes don’t fit well your man will never look good.

5. Make Sure He Owns A Few Good Basics. Things To Look Out For Are:

High quality polo shirts in his best colors
Good quality cotton pants
A few well fitted shirts
Cashmere sweaters for winter
A nice casual jacket
Good quality leather shoes like brogues
Socks that match his pants and shoes

6. Lead By Example

If you look nice for him and make an effort, he may want to do the same for you. If you like him to do a closet clean do it yourself and tell him that you will take a pile to Goodwill soon. Does he want to add anything from his closet?

7. Lay Out His Clothes For Him

I know that there are lots of women who do this. It sure may be a fool proof way to get your man to dress better if your man lets you, but this option is high maintenance for sure!

8. Educate Him

Perhaps he is interested in looking good, but just has no idea how to do it. In that case you can be his educator or you can direct him to sites like RealMenRealStyle where Antonio provides lots of great style advice for men or personal male style bloggers like Terry for inspiration.

Good luck in your quest and please let me know, how have you been able to get your man to dress better?


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